Services; Case Cameos ......................................................................................
SEVENTEEN CASE STUDY CAMEOS in which our team takes particular pride and which serve to demonstrate the breadth and nature of its achievement. Such is the nature of our business that out client list must remain confidential.
Management Competency Audit: (Training)
Examination and assessment of 87 suppliers of government-funded youth, adult and special need straining in order to determine to which extent such funds might be well-placed or better and more reliably managed.
Performance Management: (Financial Services)
Introduction of a performance management culture into a complex service organisation, replacing the unnatural inflexibility of the conventional appraisal interview process.
Job Evaluation and Critical Skills Analysis: (Local Government)
Review of reporting process, procedures and methodologies leading to a redefinition of organisational structures, role assessment and the profiling of essential knowledge, skills and competencies for principal decision-makers.
Internal Marketing: (Employment Services)
Development of Strategy, internal communications improvement plan and implementation processed designed the potential contribution to be made by the entire workforce to the success of corporate marketing initiatives.
Locum Management (Direct Mail Production)
Interregnum: business and team leadership during enforced absence of the principal.
Re-skilling and Key skills Enhancement: (Manufacturing)
Planning and management of the delivery of a training programme touching every corner of the workforce but brought about by investment in new technologies.
Strategic Planning : (Automotive)
Treading the critical path to the preparation and defence of a winning tender for a regional distribution franchise.
Business Audit and Assessment: (Marketing Services)
Market opportunity and human resource profiling with consequent recommendations for radical changes within the management team and repositioning for growth.
Business Education: (Information Technology)
Creation of a universally respected business education programme within a corporate beset by cross-divisional political sensitivities.
Investors in People: (Local Government)
Framework for attainment of a cultural evolution that delivers management ownership of a meaningful partnership with the workforce and ostracises those who use the words but fail to act upon them.
Management Development: (Information Technology)
Working with two of the most highly respected business schools, one in the UK and the other in North America, to provide a fully integrated management development process that delivers to a requirement for internal succession and is built around personal development planning, performance benchmarking and monitoring.
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Business Start-Up: (Office Equipment)
Assessment of personal commitment leading to team changes and the preparation, interrogation and presentation of business plans required to successfully access venture capital.
Career Planning and Management (Public Services)
Partnering a top executive through the isolation, uncertainty and vulnerability associated with crossing business sector boundaries and becoming an acknowledged contributor to the progress of a long-established management group.
Marketing as a Business Function (Local Government)
Achieving ownership of marketing's disciplines by a local government agency unfamiliar with qualitative research, strategic marketing planning and creativity.
Ownership With Governance: (Manufacturing)
Building of trust and subsequent management of the emotive issues arising from transfer of operational responsibility from an owner manager to a management team seeking to become wholly accountable for their performance.
Succession Management: (Marketing Services)
Successful handover of business leadership, reorientation of the management team, and stewardship through subsequent changes in leadership style and corporate culture.
Recruitment and Mentoring: (Print)
Definition, search and employment of a managing director recruited externally, management of induction and mentoring through team building process associated with the uncertainties of change.